Contest Rules

Last Updated: 5/17/2024


OVERVIEW: Random Hero is a fantasy stock trading platform (the “Platform”) offered by Random Hero, LLC, at its website, (the “Website”). These “Official Rules” apply to each independent stock simulation contest to be offered from time to time on the Platform (each, a “Contest”). Each Contest is a game of skill in which players can use their expertise and knowledge in financial markets, within the context of these Official Rules, to accumulate the most gains or highest remaining portfolio balance for the entrant’s simulated virtual trading account (each, a “Simulated Portfolio”).

SPONSOR: The sponsor of each Contest is Random Hero, LLC, 1200 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, FL 33432 (“Sponsor” or “Random Hero”). Sponsor owns and operates the Platform. By entering a Contest, you agree to be bound by the rules herein (the "Official Rules"), which constitute a binding agreement between you and Random Hero.

CONTEST PERIOD: The time period for each Contest begins at 9:00 a.m. ET on the Contest Start Date and will end at 4:30 p.m. ET on the Contest End Date (each, a “Contest Period”). The Website server shall serve as the official time keeping device.


Each Contest is open to any natural person who as of the Contest Start Date (i) is a legal resident of the District of Columbia or one of the fifty United States (except for Arizona and California whose legal residents are not eligible to participate in any Contest); (ii) holds a valid government-issued identification and social security number; and (iii) is eighteen (18) years of age or older and the age of majority in their place of residence (“you”).

Employees, directors, and officers of Sponsor, its affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotional agencies, and anyone working directly on a Contest, and their immediate family members (spouses, parents, children, siblings, and their respective spouses), and household members, whether or not related, are not eligible to enter or win a Contest. Also ineligible to enter or win a Contest is any person whose participation in a contest of this nature is prohibited by that person’s employment or professional affiliations, or any applicable court order.

Participation in a Contest requires a Random Hero user account and payment of an administration fee (an “Administration Fee”), in United States dollars. You may use any Random Hero credits you have accrued towards payment of the Administration Fee. Any eligible person who does not have a Random Hero account can visit to register in accordance with the enrollment instructions for a free Random Hero account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Random Hero account login names and passwords and you accept responsibility for all activities, charges, and damages that occur under your account. If you believe that someone is using your account without your permission, you should contact Sponsor immediately. Sponsor is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from your failure to notify Sponsor of unauthorized use.

MINIMUM NUMBER OF PLAYERS. If Sponsor does not receive a designated number of entrants for a particular Contest (“Minimum Entrants”), Sponsor reserves the right to cancel the Contest. Upon cancellation of a Contest, Sponsor will return all Administration Fees for the Contest. Sponsor reserves the right to continue the Contest with fewer than the Minimum Entrants.

HOW TO ENTER AND PLAY: To Participate in One or More Random Hero Contests.

You may participate in any Contest, and in as many Contests as you wish. You may enter a Contest at any time prior to 12:01 p.m. ET on the business day immediately prior to the Contest End Date. You may have only one entry and one Simulated Portfolio in any one Contest. Creating more than one account to circumvent multi-entry restrictions is a prohibited activity and may lead to your disqualification from one or more Contests.

For each Contest, Sponsor will post the following information on the Website in advance: the Contest Start Date, the Contest End Date, the Administration Fee, Minimum Entrants, and the prizes to be awarded and their approximate retail value (“ARV”).

The Administration Fee is refundable only if Sponsor cancels the Contest due to entrants falling below the number of Minimum Entrants or other reason.

Follow the on-screen instructions to fund your account and create your Simulated Portfolio.

You begin each Contest with One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) in virtual cash (i.e., fake money). For your Simulated Portfolio, you may simulate the purchase and sale of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds including stock buys/sells and short sells/covers. Your Simulated Portfolio may not contain simulated trades in futures, options, commodities, currencies, or bitcoin.

Each Contest simulates real financial market conditions. You may trade on any day the relevant financial market is open. Generally, financial markets are open for trading on regular weekdays and closed on weekends and recognized holidays. Trades placed during market hours are priced at that business day’s closing price. Trades entered after market hours or during market holidays are priced at the next business day’s closing price. Trades may be canceled on pending orders up to 4 p.m. ET that business day.

The value of your Simulated Portfolio and your current ranking in each Contest will be reflected on the leaderboard and updated in real-time. Rankings will be determined based on the total value of your Simulated Portfolio. The aggregate value will be calculated by summing the total market value of all securities held by each participant at the end of each trading day and at the end of each Contest Period.

In the event of a ticker change, delisting, reverse takeover, or unconsummated SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) affecting a security within a player’s Simulated Portfolio, the last price at the closing of the trading day immediately preceding the event will be used to calculate the value of any impacted Simulated Portfolio.

While all players rankings and total Simulated Portfolio values are viewable to all players throughout the Contest, the specific stock selections within each player’s Simulated Portfolio are private and unavailable for public viewing until after the Contest Period.

You are expressly prohibited from using non-public information when participating in a Contest. For purposes of the Contests, “non-public information” means any information that is not generally available to all other Contest entrants and could provide an unfair advantage in the Contest including any such non-public information made available to you via legitimate means (e.g., your employment).

WINNER SELECTION: Winning a Contest is determined by skill and requires making informed decisions, analyzing market trends, and strategically managing your Simulated Portfolio to outperform other contestants.

Selection of Potential Winner(s). Winner selection is determined by the persons with the greatest total value in the Simulated Portfolio at the end of the Contest Period.

The players with the highest three scores at the end of the Contest Period will be designated as the potential first, second, and third place winners for that Contest. Your score for each Contest in which you participate is tabulated separately.

If there is a tie for first or second place, Sponsor reserves the right to eliminate a second and/or third place prize (e.g., by awarding three first place prizes and no second or third place prizes; awarding two first place prizes and one second place prize, etc.)

If there are four of more participants with the same high value for the Simulated Portfolio, Sponsor reserves the right to combine the amount of all prizes and divide the combined amount equally among the participants with the high value. In no event will Sponsor issue more in prizes than the aggregate amount of the first, second, and third prizes.


Prize APR. The prizes and their approximate retail value (“ARV”) for each Contest will be announced on the Platform. Sponsor anticipates offering cash prizes with no single prize greater than Ten Million United States Dollars ($10,000,000 USD).

Other Prize Conditions. Any taxes related to receipt and use of a prize are the sole responsibility of the winner. Winners will be required to provide a social security number or a taxpayer identification number to Sponsor for issuance of a 1099 Form. All prizes will be paid by electronic transfer within five (5) business days after potential winner’s submission to Sponsor of Winner Information, as set forth in Section 10 (Requirements for Potential Winner to Receive Prize) of these Official Rules.

WINNER NOTIFICATION: Sponsor will notify each potential winner using the email address associated with the potential winner’s Random Hero account. Failure to provide an accurate, working email account through which Sponsor can contact you may disqualify you from receiving a prize. If Sponsor receives no response from the potential winner within the time allotted for any reason or if the potential winner fails to return the documents as specified, Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify the potential winner and to select and notify an alternate potential winner from the remaining eligible entries. Sponsor is not responsible for suspended or discontinued Internet or phone service that may result in a potential winner or alternative not receiving a notification.

REQUIREMENTS FOR POTENTIAL WINNER TO RECEIVE PRIZE: Sponsor reserves the right to ask each potential winner to present proof of eligibility and satisfy other conditions provided in these Official Rules to be awarded a prize. To receive the prize, the potential winner must execute and deliver to Sponsor requested documents via e-mail, fax, or other means acceptable to Sponsor within seven (7) days after the date such documents are sent which documents may include: (a) affidavits confirming eligibility and compliance with these Official Rules, (b) liability releases, (c) publicity releases (where permitted), (d) an IRS Form 1099 for tax purposes, and (e) such other documents and personal information as may be reasonably requested by Sponsor (collectively, “Winner Documents”).

IDENTITY OF ENTRANT: Only one natural person will be recognized as the owner of each Random Hero account and of each Simulated Portfolio. In the event of a dispute about the identity of a Contest entrant, any activity will be declared made by the registered or authorized account holder of the Random Hero account from which play took place. The authorized account holder is deemed to be the natural person who is assigned to the Random Hero account. Sponsor is not liable to any party in connection with any dispute arising from or related to the identity of an entrant.

WINNER’S LIST: The names of the winners of each Contest will be posted on the Platform within approximately ten (10) days after the Contest Period and will remain posted for at least thirty (30) days.

DISQUALIFICATION: Sponsor may suspend or terminate any or all of your Random Hero accounts; disqualify you from a specific or all future Contest(s); or withhold or revoke the awarding of any prizes if Sponsor in its sole discretion determines that you have engaged in conduct that is improper, unethical, unfair or otherwise adverse to the operation of the Contest or detrimental to other Contest entrants or Platform users. Improper conduct includes, but is not limited to, any of the following:

violating any provision of these Official Rules; providing Sponsor with untruthful, inaccurate, or misleading information when entering a Contest or claiming a prize;

using automated means including but not limited to robotic, macro, spiders, screen scrapers or like methods to enter or participate in a Contest, or to collect or access any information on the Platform, Website or of any user thereof for any purpose;

engaging in any type of financial fraud including unauthorized use of credit instruments to enter a Contest or claim a prize;

abusing, tampering, or interfering in any manner with the administration of a Contest or with the computer programs or any security measure associated with a Contest, the Platform, or the Website; or

engaging in conduct that portrays Sponsor in a negative light, or has a negative impact on the integrity of the Platform, the Website, or Sponsor's product or business operations.

RIGHT TO CANCEL OR MODIFY: Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify these Official Rules or to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend a Contest for any reason or for no reason in its sole discretion. Possible reasons include but are not limited to ineligibility of entrants; infection by computer virus; bugs; tampering; unauthorized intervention; fraud; technical failures; or any other causes which, in the sole discretion of Sponsor, corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of a Contest. If Sponsor decides to reconvene a Contest after a suspension, the determination of a potential winner(s) will be made from among all eligible, valid, non-suspect entrants, in the sole discretion of Sponsor. If any legal or regulatory authority challenges a Contest, Sponsor reserves the right to discontinue or modify the Contest, or to disqualify entrants residing in the affected geographic areas, and in such event, Sponsor shall have no liability to any entrants who are disqualified due to such an action.

DISCLAIMER. In conjunction with administration of the Contests, Sponsor may share or facilitate the sharing of publicly available information about the capital markets and individual securities. Information shared on the Platform and Website about the capital markets and individual securities is believed to be reliable but accuracy is neither warranted nor guaranteed. Random Hero is not an investment advisory service, nor a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer. Random Hero does not purport and the information offered on the Platform, the Website or via a Contest is not intended to tell or suggest to you which securities you should buy or sell outside of simulated trades made for your Simulated Portfolio in a Contest. You understand and acknowledge that there is a very high degree of risk involved in trading securities within the financial markets. Sponsor assumes no responsibility or liability for results of your trading and investment results within the financial markets.

RELEASE AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: Sponsor assumes no responsibility for any computer, telephone, cable, network, satellite, electronic or Internet hardware or software malfunctions, failures, connections, availability, or garbled or jumbled transmissions, or service provider/Internet/website/use net accessibility or availability, traffic congestion, unauthorized human intervention, or delays in US postal mail. By participating in a Contest, you agree to release and hold harmless Sponsor, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any and all other companies associated with a Contest (collectively, “Released Parties”), from any and all liability for any injuries, loss, or damage of any kind, including direct, indirect incidental, consequential or punitive damages, to persons, including death and property, arising in whole or in part from acceptance, possession, use or misuse of a prize, participation in any Contest-related activity, or access to and use of the Platform and the Website, whether under a theory of contract, tort (including negligence), warranty or other theory. Further, under no circumstances will you be permitted to obtain awards for, and you hereby waive all rights to claim punitive, incidental, or consequential damages, or any other damages, including attorney's fees, other than your actual out-of-pocket expenses (i.e., costs associated with entering a Contest), and you further waive all rights to have damages multiplied or increased.

DISPUTES: Sponsor will be responsible for resolving any disputes and/or Official Rules violations that arise in connection with a Contest. All decisions by Sponsor regarding a Contest, including interpretation of these Official Rules and exercise of discretion, will be final and binding in all respects. As a condition of participating in a Contest and/or accepting a Contest prize, you agree that any and all disputes which cannot be resolved between the parties, and causes of action arising out of or connected with a Contest, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, exclusively. You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts located in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA in any and all claims or disputes arising out of these Official Rules, which court shall apply the laws of Florida, applicable to contracts made and performed solely in the State of Florida, without regard to conflict of laws principles.

NO SPONSORSHIP: The mention of any company, or the inclusion of a product or service as a prize, does not imply any association with or endorsement by such company or the manufacturer or distributor of such product or service and, except as otherwise indicated, no association or endorsement is intended or should be inferred. Furthermore, although Sponsor may promote a Contest on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other social media platform, the Contests are not sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with any social media platform.

PUBLICITY: Except where prohibited by law, participation in a Contest and/or acceptance of a Contest prize constitutes your consent to Sponsor’s and its agents’ use of your name, likeness, photograph, voice, opinions, and/or residential city and state for promotional purposes in any and all media (now known or later developed), worldwide, without further payment or consideration. As a condition of being awarded any prize, except where prohibited by law, potential winner may be required to execute an additional consent to the foregoing.

PRIVACY: All uses of entrants and winners information shall be in accordance with these Official Rules and with Sponsor’s privacy policy available at

GENERAL PROVISIONS: All applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations apply. If any provision of these Official Rules is held to be invalid or unenforceable, all remaining provisions hereof will remain in full force and effect. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules will not constitute a waiver of that or any other provision. Headings used in these Official Rules are solely to facilitate reference.